God's Work in the Dominican Republic

Our very own Marie Anne took part in a mission with Shine the Light initiative to build houses in Dominican Republic. What an incredible way to spread love and joy in our world!

Death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Here is a link to a letter from the President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops on the Passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Christmas Celebration 2021 - Blessed Sacrament

Virtual Choir - Easter 2021

Returning to Mass

Catholic Masses are now opening up. Covid-19 restrictions are being eased, and the Catholic faithful are slowly being allowed back to the Holy Eucharist. BUT...it is not back to normal. Perhaps these thoughts will encourage you in your own experience.

Watch the video below...

Our Parish Website

Welcome to our parish website. Our goal is to develop the website to provide you with as much information about our parishes as possible. We are still in the development stages so your patience is appreciated as we build the site. With this online resource, you will find answers to questions related to the parish and any upcoming events. Should you have any suggestions, additions or revisions to the website, please email me directly at james@digicandesigns.com

James Rogowy

Blessed Sacrament Church, Elie
St. Eustache Church, St. Eustache

Phone: 1-204-353-2516